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Fear of failure and how to overcome this obstacle of success

One of the main reason why people don’t live up to their potential is Atychiphobia or the fear of failure. According to Brian Tracy, fear of failure is the biggest single obstacle to success and happiness in adult life. It is not the failure itself. Everyone have gone through failure in one way or another. But

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Engagement at Work

Engagement — is the buzz word that we keep on hearing. According to Gallup study in 2013, only 13% of the workforce are highly engaged. That means most people are not engaged at work and this could lead to performance loss by the organization. But how do we keep people engaged?  Most of the time,

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Salam Aidilfitri

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan di sini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua pengunjung ke blog saya di www.johanirwan.com. Semoga Syawal kali ini membawa sinar kemaafan dan lebih mengeratkan silaturrahim diantara kita. Minal aidil wal faizin. Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin.

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7 Rahsia komunikasi oleh Dr. Zakir Naik

Kebelakangan ini Dr. Zakir Naik telah menjadi sebutan oleh kebanyakkan rakyat Malaysia. Semua ini gara-gara pembatalan program beliau di UTeM setelah diumumkan oleh ketua polis negara atas sebab-sebab tertentu, dan ia menjadi viral di laman media sosial. Memang Dr. Zakir Naik merupakan salah seorang communicator yang hebat. Beliau dapat berbicara dengan persuasif sehingga ramai orang

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How to be successful learning from nature

Most people wanted to become successful. And most of us have a different definition of being successful. But how do we really become successful? If we learn from the nature we might be able to find the answer. Think about it, nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers don’t drink their own water.  Trees don’t eat

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How to make important decisions in life?

Life is about a series of decisions. Think about it, everything we do everyday involve decision making. Even what makes you read this blog is also a decision that you made probably a few seconds ago. Research shows that when it comes to regret, 3/4 people regret things that they have never done before. Which

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#SayaPejuang …adakah anda seorang pejuang???

Sahabat saya Ahyat sedang berkongsi tentang erti pejuang Satu perkara yang dikongsikan dengan saya pada pagi ini adalah tentang perjuangan. Ramai yang menyebut tentang perjuangan, tetapi adakah mereka sedar apakah itu perjuangan? Siapa itu pejuang? Mengapa kita perlu jadi seorang pejuang? Jawapan ringkas: Seorang pejuang tidak takut akan bahaya. Seorang pejuang tidak akan menyerah kalah apabila

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